Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine is a vigorous fast-growing vine climbing to heights of 10′ or more. Beautiful long blooming purple flowers and purple bean pods form along this vine making it a very inviting sight to see.

This variety of Hyacinth is a great vine for fast coverage in warm climates.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Early this winter to late spring some seeds arrived in the mail, my facebook friend sent me some Purple Hyacinth Bean seeds to try. I was excited as I never have grown this vine before.

I started a few indoors which was a piece of cake very easy to start from seed and they also can be direct sowed. I placed a few in pots in the greenhouse and they grew wonderfully.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

The purple clustered flowers resemble peas and bean blossoms. Bloom time is from mid summer to mid fall.

Buy seeds here on Amazon

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Beautiful Flowering Vine

It is Oct 12, and mine are still blooming away in the garden as you can tell by these photos.

Not only beauty within the flowers and pods.  The foliage is equally beautiful as they are heart shaped with purple veins running through them. A wonderful attribute!

They also are fragrant which attract bees, which then help aid in pollination. Butterflies and birds can get some enjoyment too out of this vine.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Hyacinth care: Plant in a sunny area giving adequate moisture but not soggy. If you are experiencing some drought make sure and give the vine a drink.  This helps produce flowers which then produce larger pods.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Saving Seed

If you want to save the seed, allow the pod to completely dry on the vine. You will know when the bean pod turns purple to brown in color.

Once you pick them off the vine it will not hurt to let dry for say another week to just ensure they are dry. Then shell your pods, test for dryness again, you will know just from the sound of them hitting the container you put them in.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Each bean pod can have anywhere from 3-5 beans.  Which is really wonderful when you are saving and sharing them with others.

I don’t believe I have ever seen a more beautiful unique seed. The seed is black and has a white marking on the edge of the seed itself.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Purple Hyacinth Vine is considered an annual but when you save your seed or if you let it self-seed itself you will have them for years to come.

One thing to note is the seed is poisonous if ingested, so take care around pets and children.

Overall I am giving this vine a thumbs up.  Very happy with its overall performance in the garden and the greenhouse too!

P Allen Smith

Buy seeds here on Amazon

119 thoughts on “Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine”

  1. [..YouTube..] Thank you Diane for making this video to inform people of this FABULOUS VINE. I have been growing it for 3 years. It is an easy annual to seed. I grow it at the base of my climbing rose, William Baffin. In July when the Japanese Beetles are at their peak and feasting on William Baffin, the HB vine is so aggressive that it hides the ugly climbing rose. Later it is winding through another vine on this trellis, Sweet Autumn. The pods of the HB look stunning with the white flowers of Sweet Autumn.

  2. Thank you Diane for making this video to inform people of this FABULOUS VINE. I have been growing it for 3 years. It is an easy annual to seed. I grow it at the base of my climbing rose, William Baffin. In July when the Japanese Beetles are at their peak and feasting on William Baffin, the HB vine is so aggressive that it hides the ugly climbing rose. Later it is winding through another vine on this trellis, Sweet Autumn. The pods of the HB look stunning with the white flowers of Sweet Autumn.

  3. Beautiful plant glad you said it was poisonous I was going to ask if it was an eatable bean.

  4. [..YouTube..] i would love to buy a few fro you for this spring. they looked so good in your gaarden love the flowers and paodes…wow… thanks and let me know.

  5. i would love to buy a few fro you for this spring. they looked so good in your gaarden love the flowers and paodes…wow… thanks and let me know.

  6. [..YouTube..] @dkulikowski Hi Lark, you are welcome I have come to love this vine.. I would imagine I’ll have quite a few next year.. it is aggressive isn’t it nice to see some fast growth when other plants are lacking.. thanks for stopping by!

  7. [..YouTube..] Hi Lark, you are welcome I have come to love this vine.. I would imagine I’ll have quite a few next year.. it is aggressive isn’t it nice to see some fast growth when other plants are lacking.. thanks for stopping by!

  8. , Suzie, better than that I will give you a few seeds , they are very easy to grow.. 🙂

  9. [..YouTube..] @Incredibleisaac2 , I did, by it was hard to understand.. what did you use for a video recorder? the gardening gift is the free hosta book, there is a link on the left hand side.. 🙂

  10. [..YouTube..] , I did, by it was hard to understand.. what did you use for a video recorder? the gardening gift is the free hosta book, there is a link on the left hand side.. 🙂

  11. [..YouTube..] , I did, by it was hard to understand.. what did you use for a video recorder? the gardening gift is the free hosta book, there is a link on the left hand side.. 🙂

  12. , I did, by it was hard to understand.. what did you use for a video recorder? the gardening gift is the free hosta book, there is a link on the left hand side.. 🙂

  13. I used a very bad camera my old camera because I needed both my hands for recording. Ok thanks for the gift!

  14. , definitely that is if you like vines and it may self sow so if you like that , why not!

  15. Can you mention my channel on your next video because I have only 7 subscriera and barely any views on the videos that I make

  16. [..YouTube..] I’ve had some of that purple veining in a few tomatoes, LOL…not good ! Phosphorus deficiency I think. That really is a pretty vine. I’m gonna try to grow more flowers in the second GH since I’ll have more room. Very cool. 😉

  17. I’ve had some of that purple veining in a few tomatoes, LOL…not good ! Phosphorus deficiency I think. That really is a pretty vine. I’m gonna try to grow more flowers in the second GH since I’ll have more room. Very cool. 😉

  18. [..YouTube..] @mhpgardener Hi Bobby, I have too had that in my tomatoes a few years back kinda freaked me out this was when I first got into working the greenhouse , haven’t had the problem since.. I look forward to seeing you grow some flowers , that would be awesome.. 🙂

  19. [..YouTube..] Hi Bobby, I have too had that in my tomatoes a few years back kinda freaked me out this was when I first got into working the greenhouse , haven’t had the problem since.. I look forward to seeing you grow some flowers , that would be awesome.. 🙂

  20. [..YouTube..] Hi Bobby, I have too had that in my tomatoes a few years back kinda freaked me out this was when I first got into working the greenhouse , haven’t had the problem since.. I look forward to seeing you grow some flowers , that would be awesome.. 🙂

  21. Hi Bobby, I have too had that in my tomatoes a few years back kinda freaked me out this was when I first got into working the greenhouse , haven’t had the problem since.. I look forward to seeing you grow some flowers , that would be awesome.. 🙂

  22. [..YouTube..] those are pretty eventually when i get this indoor garden off the ground i want to grow the one kind a plant that is usually a hanging plant and grows for ever and ever i also like the wondering jews b/c they have the velvet leaves and I think those are so beautiful anyways thanks for sharing the video beautiful plant. 🙂

  23. those are pretty eventually when i get this indoor garden off the ground i want to grow the one kind a plant that is usually a hanging plant and grows for ever and ever i also like the wondering jews b/c they have the velvet leaves and I think those are so beautiful anyways thanks for sharing the video beautiful plant. 🙂

  24. , no they are poisonous, just let them dry and they are for show in my gardens the next season.

  25. [..YouTube..] I’m trying so hard to stick to growing vegetables but that is so pretty I think I’ll plant some on my arch next year. I can see it with ornamental sweet potatoes at the base.

  26. I’m trying so hard to stick to growing vegetables but that is so pretty I think I’ll plant some on my arch next year. I can see it with ornamental sweet potatoes at the base.

  27. Have been interested in the purple hyacinth for a couple of years haven’t grown yet a little afraid might be invasive in Orlando area. what do you think?

  28. I would check your local extension for your area, it is not invasive here in my zone 5 but could be different in your area..

  29. [..YouTube..] @dianemummvideos Just like soy beans they are toxic unless you prep them properly for eating. Boil them and change the water twice. They are quite edible.

  30. [..YouTube..] Just like soy beans they are toxic unless you prep them properly for eating. Boil them and change the water twice. They are quite edible.

  31. Just like soy beans they are toxic unless you prep them properly for eating. Boil them and change the water twice. They are quite edible.

  32. [..YouTube..] @dianemummvideos I watched the video it was very nice , I planted these beans 3 years ago and had great success. Unfortunately I do not have any more beans and Ive moved and i would love to plant them on my terrence. I know they can grow in pots as my friend grew them that way. I was wondering if you knew where to buy the beans because i would love to start growing them again.

  33. @dianemummvideos I watched the video it was very nice , I planted these beans 3 years ago and had great success. Unfortunately I do not have any more beans and Ive moved and i would love to plant them on my terrence. I know they can grow in pots as my friend grew them that way. I was wondering if you knew where to buy the beans because i would love to start growing them again.

  34. I also discovered this vine for the first time last growing season. It is lust and the flowers are glorious. They actually kept fairly well as cut flowers (long spikes covered with delicate purple flowers). I put out three vines and found them to be very prolific. Not all seeds will grow to maturity, but these plants yielded more than enough to satisfy my needs for this year (and the needs of many gardening friends). One word to the wise, though…this is a sturdy vine and quickly outgrew my trellis. Did beautifully on the fence, but it becomes weighty so plan ahead in terms of support.

  35. [..YouTube..] Nice ….. a friend of mine gave me 20 or 30 of these seeds…..I potted them and got em going, now they are in the ground, I hope they take.

  36. Nice ….. a friend of mine gave me 20 or 30 of these seeds…..I potted them and got em going, now they are in the ground, I hope they take.

  37. I live in Virginia. This humming birds love this flowering vine. It is a beautiful plant!

  38. [..YouTube..] thanks for stopping by,, yes it is a wonderful vine have one growing in my greenhouse right now , blooming and with seed pods already..;)

  39. thanks for stopping by,, yes it is a wonderful vine have one growing in my greenhouse right now , blooming and with seed pods already..;)

  40. I love this plant! Where did you get the arch they are growing on?

  41. just a annual in my area, you can save the seeds so you can grow it every year it is a wonderful vine

  42. I just planted my seeds I got from a friend of a friend – what a beautiful plant! I am wondering though, if my daughter’s chihuahua should be kept away from it due to the danger of eating the seeds. Does anyone know if animals have died or become ill from the seeds? Thanks!!!

  43. if the dog chews on plants outdoors then yes, but I have one dog and several cats.. no one bothers the vine that I know of.. I can’t tell you how much harm it can bring.. I really don’t know..

  44. Dianne,
    We found the Hyacinth bean plant at our state fair this year. Would love to get some seeds for next year to put on the pergola we are building.
    Last year we had high winds up to 140 mph and wiped out our building along with my flower bed. I am starting fresh next year. I would be interested in any vining plant if you have some suggestions for a midwest winter. I have some wisteria that I am going to transplant on the pergola also.

  45. at least 5-6 hrs which is considered full sun…. how many hours are yours getting for sun? just curious..

  46. I have them every direction come to think about it. I emailed you an upload of mine. The one on the east side of the house and the couple on the north I doubt very much got 6 hours of full sun.

  47. Cool see this is why I love that my name(no lie) is hyacinth I’m proud jk I was named after my grandmother ppl really like my name but most don’t understand how to pronounce it like ur in the 7th grade for peets sake sound it out (I’m 12 and ppl say that they’ve never herd that name for a child and I’m like well the grown women who’s names are hyacinth were children so yeah)

  48. that is a beautiful name.. I haven’t heard this name either for a person, but do love it..

  49. ◆◇◆◇◆いきなりの書き込み失礼します。お金にお困りの方、いらっしゃいますか?実は宝くじで100,000,000円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をどなたかにお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日中にお譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額を、と考えております。もし、お受け取りになりたい方いましたら、サイト内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合が御座いますので、こちらの→【http://437.jp】リンクより、スムーズにお話をすすめる事ができますので、どうぞお早めのご連絡をお待ちしております。◆◇◆◇◆

  50. ◆◇◆◇◆いきなりの書き込み失礼します。お金にお困りの方、いらっしゃいますか?実は宝くじで100,000,000円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をどなたかにお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日中にお譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額を、と考えております。もし、お受け取りになりたい方いましたら、サイト内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合が御座いますので、こちらの→【http://437.jp】リンクより、スムーズにお話をすすめる事ができますので、どうぞお早めのご連絡をお待ちしております。◆◇◆◇◆

  51. ◆◇◆◇◆いきなりの書き込み失礼します。お金にお困りの方、いらっしゃいますか?実は宝くじで100,000,000円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をどなたかにお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日中にお譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額を、と考えております。もし、お受け取りになりたい方いましたら、サイト内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合が御座いますので、こちらの→【http://473.jp】リンクより、スムーズにお話をすすめる事ができますので、どうぞお早めのご連絡をお待ちしております。◆◇◆◇◆

  52. This should be titled “How to Store Hyacinth Bean Vine Seeds” because there are no instructions about planting them.

  53. all throughout the video is shares how to grow them , you must of miss it..

  54. The flowers also make great cut flowers to bring inside as well. They are beautiful in mixed bouquets. This was Thomas Jefferson’s favorite vine at Monticello.

  55. So – did she soak her beans before she planted them or did she just plant them in the soil and then water in??? Because I watched it and she DIDN’T say HOW to plant the beans. I have done it both ways and the soaking did not do as well as planting them in the soil and watering in. Those are important tips.

  56. no you don’t have to soak them, they are very easy to grow from seed.. making videos is a lot of work, I enjoy doing them and it is by free will , but don’t enjoy people complaining… because this is for sharing.. with other gardeners.. most appreciate and love the videos… not always are the videos completely how people would like them.. that is why I suggest doing many searches , you will find out your answers in one video or another.. thanks for stopping..

  57. I have planted these before given to me by a neighbor & she told me to plant the whole pod, not shelling them. They came up just beautiful. I made 2 hills of them with one pod in each hill. They got very tall & thick. I took a picture of my husband behind the vine & you could not see him through the vine. Very prolific plant & beautiful, both blooms & leaves.

  58. It is a LOVELY name.. I am a grandmother now, but if I were a young mother, it would be in the top 2 for a precious girl’s name!!

  59. Could you please post info on the arbor? Looks like it’s a great arbor for any climbers.

  60. it is just a old farm panel fence we used to use for hogs.. or cattle.. then bend easy.. not sure of the exact name for them..

  61. I planted the seeds this spring which I received from you. They were just beautiful! I saved the seeds. I will plant them again next spring.

  62. Be sure NOT to eat the beans, unless you boil them 3 times.I first saw the purple hyacinth in Bar Harbor Maine : ) Beautiful!

  63. The seeds look like little Oreo cookies 🙂 . I just bought a small plant and it has a lot of beans on it. When is the right time to pick them ? How should they look like ?

  64. do you let the pods dry on the vine before removing pod or do you clip them and let them dry in sun or in home?

  65. I’ve had 7 hyacinth beans since 2004. I received them from a co-worker and have always loved the vine. I am cleaning my home office and ran across them. I’ve never planted due to my fear of not being able to maintain the overgrowth. The older I get the more I want to be surrounded by beautiful nature and plants.

    This video is truly inspiring. Maybe, one day soon I’ll go for it!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  66. woow I live in IOWA and I will love to have same of those beans in my garden never eat them before or seen 1 🙂 they r beautiful thank u 4 this nice video <3

  67. Awesome beans! They are ingestible! Boil them three times and rinse out the water! Great to sauté and salt pepper them!!

  68. Does anybody know if these little oreos can take the central Texas heat? I was given some and I want to plant some at the base of telephone poles and trees in my yard.

  69. we got some that look like oreo cookies from a friend they are up good.

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