Sunny Thunbergia Lemon Star

Sunny Thunbergia Lemon Star   is a very bright yellow and stands out from the crowd. Likes sun, blooms all season , just an all around beauty..

Sunny Thunbergia Lemon Star

Sunny Thunbergia Lemon Star

Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Requires normal moisture conditions .

Annual in most areas exept zone 10 and 11 .. Hardy to 30 degrees

Requires no deadheading , Grows 6o-96 inches long

Similar plants can be grown from seed , and are relatively easy to grow.



This plant is a must try . It is very easy to take care of and you will love it and come back every year to purchase.

This cultivar comes in a plug plant form .

There is many seed varieties on the market.  The  starter plugs however seems to have a larger flower.


Sunny Lemon Star Thunbergia


Plant  3 plants in a   12″ hanging basket.

This is a vine I have no complaints about , it is great for baskets, ground cover , pots..

If you live in a warmer climate, pay close  attention to moisture conditions. The warmer it is the better thunbergia likes  to be watered.

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

More info on Ball Seed

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