Bubblegum Petunia

Bubblegum Petunia  isn’t any ole Petunia – These SuperTunia’s  are bred for performance.

A Supertunia Vista is a Petunia. As in we’re way vigorous and have a mounding/cascading habit.

 Bubblegum Petunia

Bubblegum Petunia

SuperTunia Vista  Bubble Gum- A  Proven Winner


Look at this pot .. This is 3 plants and you can see how well they do, do.. I will take these petunias over any other one on the market today. I have grown these from plugs and they just out perform.. no two ways about it.

So in a garden bed, border, or landscape feature we grow 16 – 24 inches tall, and spread like you wouldn’t believe .  As much as 2 feet.  You want to fill an area with wall-to-wall medium pink flowers all season? I’m your plant.  Hanging baskets, window boxes, patio containers, same story.


Vigorous, mounding plants are perfect landscape fillers; blooms all season; low maintenance

• Attracts Butterflies

• Attracts Hummingbirds

• Best Seller

• Deadheading Not Necessary

• Drought Tolerant *

• Heat Tolerant

• Landscape (Professional)

• Landscape Plant

• Must Have

• Pet Friendly



It’s  disease resistant, self-cleaning, and have sturdy stems so It always look good.

Bubblegum Petunia  is  an annual except in zones 10 – 11.  Hardy to 30 degrees, and  Grows 16-24 inches in height

Full sun, water and a good fertilizer will keep me in the pink until frost.

There is many supertunias on the market today, I will get them in several colors and they sell out very quickly..

You can Read more about this gem here..

You can see petunias that come back every year for me

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

2 thoughts on “Bubblegum Petunia”

  1. I would like to buy SUPERTUNIAS in different colors, either seeds, or small plants. Do you sell them? Please let me know.

    Pedro Amador
    Tel. 787-996-4451

  2. Hi, no I do not sell any at this time, maybe try looking online or better yet locally..


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