Knock Out Hardy Shrub Roses


Radtko Cherry Red Knock Out Rose 

William Radler, Rose Breeder, Creator of The Knock Out Rose     

 In 2000 The Knock Out Rose was given the prestigious AARS award (All American Rose Selection).     

 Since its introduction The Knock Out Rose has easily become the best selling new rose on the market. William Radler is not finished breeding the maintenance out of roses. He still find the need to spend long hours with the stress of mosquito swatting and weed pulling and getting my hands dirty – there seems to be so much more to do. I want easier roses in all different colors, sizes and fragrances.”  

Testing is being done on many selections at commercial nurseries.     Radler’s next crop of roses, will be thinned from 600 to 350 in his laboratory basement,   and will be tested in a outdoor environment.     

 William’s dream is to have so many rose introductions that they will then need their own catalog.      


Pink Knock Out Rose 

How to Plant a Knock Out Rose?     1)Dig a hole twice as wide as the container or root ball.. Make sure you plant at ground level and not to deep.     

 Add organic matter such as compost, manure , peat moss etc.     

 2)The next step is to remove the rose from the container. Make sure it is moist already before placing in the hole. 

You should also remove any broken canes or tiny canes by simple pruning. Loosen the roots and place in the hole.

3)Then place the rose in the center of the hole In zones 6-10, the bud union should be about 1″ above the soil surface. In zones 5 and under, it’s a good idea to bury the bud union 1″ or so under the soil surface.Results also planting at ground level as also worked in some areas.     4)Now you can add some soil around the rose , at this time go ahead and water in slightly.. then back fill more soil until the rose is covered go ahead and make sure the soil is packed around the base.. Water in once again. Then apply your mulch.. You can use leaves, wood chips , want to make sure it is well protected for harsh winters.. keep and eye on newly planted roses, if you get a dry spell be sure and water.. 

 Knock Out Roses have shown some Beneficial Characteristics    1)Long blooming, Blooms from Spring until Frost 

2)Low maintenance, Easy to grow 

3)Fragrant, some varieties 

4)Hardy to zone 5
5)Great Disease Resistance.
Knock Out Rose Varieties
The Knock Out Rose
The Double Knock Out Rose
The Pink Knock Out Rose
The Pink Double Knock Out Rose
The Rainbow Knock Out Rose
The Blushing Knock Out Rose
The Sunny Knock Out Rose
How to Prune a KnockOut Rose
In early spring after the last hard frost simply use a device that is used for pruning . Cut down to the size of 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the plant..A good rule of thumb is 12-18 inches above the ground. You will also notice the dead brown stems , this will help you determine your pruning
The Knock Out Family of Roses don’t really need standard rose pruning. To promote healthy growth and encourage lots of flowers, in early spring (after the last hard frost), simply use hedge trimmers or loppers to shear the shrub down to about 1/3 or 1/2 it’s current height. It is okay if what remains is only about 12-18″ above the ground.

How to Care for a Knock Out Rose?      

Knock Out Roses are generally easy to grow and care for and need no special care. They are known to be disease resistant and have a generous bloom cycle. Their bloom cycle is around every 5-6 weeks and continues until the first hard frost. Knock Out Roses are self cleaning there is no need to deadhead, but if you like a cleaner appearance you can cut off the spent flower section.
Knock Out Rose Family are winter hardy to Zone 5 and have a heat tolerance throughout the entire U.S
They can survive and thrive in almost every area in the country. If you live in a colder region it is a good rule of thumb to place mulch around the base of the plant, If left unpruned, the roses can grow to a height and width of 3-4′ tall.  You may do trimming as desired to help maintain its shape.

Where to Plant? Knock Out Roses?     Plant Knock Out Roses in full sun area , the area should receive at least gets 5-6 hours of sun.     

 Knock Out Roses are very popular in landscapes today. You can plant them in groups , amongst other perennials, or annuals that required the same lighting requirements. Use them for hedges or borders and just Get creative!     

Happy Gardening!    


Diane Mumm

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