Perovskia Russian Sage

Perovskia Russian Sage

Now I love this plant for it’s long blooming and sun habits. You do need to give it room however so keep that in mind . It has a sage smell and insects seems to love this plant especially bees.. good food source

Russian Sage is a woody sub-shrub with long panicles of lavender-blue flowers that become increasingly brilliant as they open.

Thou the plant is not even a sage ( could of fooled me) , and it’s not Russian either. (Don’t care where it is from , still love it)

Perovskia is native from Afghanistan to Tibet and was named for a Russian general V.A. Perovsky; the botanical name is Perovskia atriplicifolia.

Russian Sage was Perennial Plant of the Year in 1995.

The plant’s growth habit is upright and it is a slightly woody, almost shrub-like, perennial, although its greyish leaves and stems look quite lacy and delicate-looking.

The foliage is delightful if you like aromatic sage-like scent .

The plant is a valuable long-bloomer, starting in July and going to the end of September, and sometimes even into October.

Perovskia Russian Sage likes sunny, hot and dry climates. It does not do as well in hot humid conditions , where it tends to flop

Grows 2 to 4 feet tall and about 3 feet wide . Medium to dry soil; very drought-tolerant (like all plants, do water it until it becomes established). Grow in full sun to prevent flopping.

Prune plants back in spring after growth resumes, and cut to no lower than 6 inches. This plant isn’t bothered by pests or diseases, and is deer-resistant . Rarely needs division. (In fact, woody perennials can be killed by division, so propagation is best done by cuttings.)

Hardy in zones 4/5-9

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

2 thoughts on “Perovskia Russian Sage”

  1. I have about 6-7 Perovskia bushes that I started from one…in late fall, I pile mulch-compost about 6″ thick on the plant…In spring as growth begins, some of the branches have taken root (away from the main plant)..I then cut it off, keeping some new roots ( I think layering is the correct term)…I also have very lose soil, lots of organic material..Zone 7(ish)..Calif. Sierra foothills…hot, dry rain for 4-5 months.

  2. Hi Danny, thanks for your comment, mine too branch out underground , I take advantage of this and dig them up and repot them, keep them in a shaded area to rest while the roots take hold , now I have several new plants and this technique works good, and it looks like you have too..

    Many people don’t like this plant because of the underground suckering but I think it is great , it is a very beneficial and beautiful perennial , the bees love it , it smells good and it blooms and looks great forever..

    Happy Gardening

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