Coreopsis Early Sunrise

Coreopsis grandiflora Early Sunrise  Tickseed

1988 AAS Winner.

Flowers the first year! Profuse bright yellow blooms on compact plants for beds and borders in full sun.

Superb in the border. Golden yellow, semi-double flowers on 20″stems from early summer into fall.

About Tickseed – Superb in the border-reliable,  Long lasting blooming , from early summer into fall.

Just give them some sun and enjoy the show.

Coreopsis will attract lots of butterflies and birds to your garden. They also make great cut flowers.

Heat tolerant and easily grown. Deer Resistant. Easy to care for , and likes a dry spot.

Deadheading dramatically extends blooming, so pick a few for cut flowers while you are in the garden.

Leave new fall growth at the base for overwintering. Benefits from division every 2-3 years.

Plant height to 20 inches, and Grows in Zones 4-9

Coreopsis , one of  my most favorite perennials , so bright and sunny flower , what is not to love..

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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