Echinacea Purple Cone Flower

Echinacea Purple Cone Flower

Echinacea Purple Cone Flower has large, rosy purple flowers surround an orange-brown central zone.

Showy border plant. Excellent for cut flowers. Lavender-mauve daisy blooms with prominent cone centers.

Long lasting blooms are ideal for middle of the garden and for cutting.

All flowers with broad petals provide important resting spots for butterflies. It is not really surprising that Purple Cone Flower is also an excellent source of nectar. After all, it is native to most of the United States.

Echinacea Purple Cone Flower

Today, it has even further importance. Under its botanical genus name, Echinacea, it has gained worldwide popularity as the No. 1 herbal medicinal.

Plant in sun area , Grows to 3ft tall.

Hardy in zones 3-10

This variety has been around for several years, and most everyone has this in their flower garden.  Why most people like Echinacea is because you have color for a long blooming season.

Purple cone flower is part of the flowers that attract butterflies to your garden.

Echinacea Purple Cone Flower

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Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

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