CRASSULA tetragona Pine Tree

CRASSULA tetragona Pine Tree

Miniature Pine Tree, is a succulent glabrous shrub native to South Africa.

The upright stems with tree-like habit will reach about two  feet  tall with an equal spread. The opposite, dark green leaves are awl-shaped and will reach up to 1.50 inches  long.

Small, white flowers over blue-green, pine-like, upright stems. A unique feature in trough gardens

 The plants have been used in dish gardens for their pine-like appearance.

 In the greenhouse, the plants bloom in the spring with very small white blooms. Individual blooms are 1/8 inch (4 mm) long. They are quite showy when in bloom.

Crassula tetragona  light conditions consist of  full sun to light shade

They are of easy culture and hardy in the landscape in USDA zones 9-11.

I had this succulent last year and really like it.. a good choice!

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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