LAMPRANTHUS blandus ‘Pink Vygle’

LAMPRANTHUS blandus ‘Pink Vygle’

Pink Vygle is a succulent, perennial shrub native to the Cape Province of South Africa.

Produces masses of pale pink blooms which dance above mint-green foliage.

Slow growing succulent.

The species is a free bloomer, if given lots of sun and heat in the summer. The plant can literally be covered in pale pink flowers all summer long. Very showy!

Stems bright red, erect, or trailing and curving upward.

Grows to 2ft, but that will take some time.. Mine is very slow to grow , which I love. It keeps it’s shape and does not appear to get leggy indoors

Plants are very easy to grow and are hardy in the landscape in USDA zones 9-11. Grow also as a houseplant under artificial light or a good bright window.

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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