Portulacaria afra Variegata

Portulacaria afra Variegata

Portulacaria afra Variegata is almost foolproof and beautiful,  indoor bonsai. Easily trained, succulent shrub can be kept happy for years in a sunny window.

This succulent is sprawling,  very slow growing succulent with attractive reddish-brown stems and a variegated cream and green ¾ inch leaves.

Portulacaria afra Variegata


A very easy to grow succulent that works as a great bonsai plant, can also be placed in  hanging baskets or even a hedge in frost free climates.

In nature they will reach 12 feet in height with an equal spread. Wow , that would takes years at least in my zone , I am seeing that it is a slow growing but that could be also because I have it in a cool area and provided I have it in a container.

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Portulacaria afra  Variegata

Variegated Elephant Bush,  Miniature Jade

In containers, they will stay much smaller and their size is easily controlled with selective pruning and pot size. The stems of this scandent shrub will thicken very fast giving the plant an old appearance at a young age.

The pink flowers are seldom seen.  The knobbed tan-reddish stems makes a nice foil in the landscape. Use in  a xeriscape garden where it is drought tolerant once established.

Cold hardy in USDA zones 10-11 , Grow in good lighting , sun window if indoors

A native of South Africa.

This is one of my favorites and I have them growing in my patio, soon to be basement under lights.. I love the variegation of the leaves and  this jade plant  does not fuss at all..

A popular jade plant that is seen more of is the solid green jade. These plants can live for years indoors.

Do you have this plant, if so comment below .. would love to hear from you.

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm 

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