ABUTILON pictum ‘Thompsonii’ Variegated Flowering Maple

ABUTILON pictum ‘Thompsonii’

Fast growing, evergreen shrub or small tree. Leaves are 5- to 9- lobed and somewhat variegated with yellow splotches.

Light orange flowers; large, maple-shaped leaves speckled with yellow.

This plant was a favorite of Victorians, growing well in bright conservatories and relocated outside in containers during warmer months

Great patio plants; fine indoors with good light.

Plant in sun to partial sun area. Height seems to vary online , but one figure I’ve found is 6′ I would imagine with some age, mine have never gotten that big , however I only grew them seasonal..

Hardy in zones 8-10 , grow inside in other zone areas.

May be grown outside year round in frost-free areas or against warm wall or protected space in marginal areas. Use in shrub border, container garden.

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm


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