Euphorbia Breathless Blush

Euphorbia Breathless Blush

A new Euphorbia is on the horizon.  Euphorbia Breathless Blush has colored foliage as well as bicolor flower.

The reason it is called Breathless I believe is  obvious.

The only red-flushed leaf Euphorbia on the market! The dark green leaves are flushed with red. Small white bracts flushed with pink cover the plant all season.

Long-lasting and free flowering, Breathless is well suited to solo and mixed containers, in-ground plantings and holiday gift planters with low water needs and no deadheading.

 With the popularity of this type of euphorbia increasing tremendously, ‘Breathless Blush’ is a unique twist consumers will love.

Grows 8-12 inches tall , likes sun but can tolerate some shade.  Has a mounded habit.

Hardy to 32 degrees, grow as a annual in most locations except for Zones 10-11.

Diamond Frost is a excellent Euphorbia, let’s see how  Breathless Blush performs   in Spring 2011.

Happy Gardening


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