Manfreda Mangave Bloodspot

Manfreda Mangave Bloodspot

Manfreda Mangave Bloodspot take a look at this beautiful succulent , honestly this has to be one of the best colors combinations in the succulent world.

This plant is relatively new , introduction in 2008. .

Manfreda Mangave Bloodspot

Bloodspot forms a symmetrical clump of thick blue leaves peppered with cranberry spots.

The leaves are outlined with maroon edges that terminate in a small spine.

<<<Related Manfreda’s Online>>>

Mature to 1-foot tall by 15 inches wide.

Manfreda Mangave Bloodspot  is a interspecific hybrid between a manfreda and Agave macroantha.

Excellent as a container plant or for specimen use in frost free climates.

Manfreda Mangave Bloodspot

Low water usuage is Winter hardiness 25 – 30 degrees.  Hardy to zone 10 and higher outdoors, those zones lower can bring indoors and use as a houseplant.

Grow in full sun area .

A wonderful beautiful succulent , and will be a great addition. Unique coloring, wonderful for containers makes this succulent a must have.

Diane’s testimonial: I have had this plant indoors for around 5 yrs now.. It is in my south facing window . It has remained in the same pot and seems to be doing just fine. Being pot bound I think helps it to not get bigger .

Planting a succulent container

You can read more about it here..

Happy Gardening!

Photo courtesy of Tony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery




6 thoughts on “Manfreda Mangave Bloodspot”

  1. I am in awe over this succulent and am excited to offer the manfreda bloodspot for 2011 season

  2. I love visiting Plant Delights Nursery for their open houses — especially to see the succulents! Very nice write up on the manfreda.

  3. Hi Eliza, thanks for much for stopping by.. I have never been there just have heard of them.. Really love the Manfreda, can’t wait to offer it in 2011.. It is a beauty!

  4. Fun and care-free…can’t get enough of those succulents! ‘Bloodspot’ has been very easy to winter indoors, for me, too. Good thing, in this climate!

  5. Hi Josh, thanks for stopping by..:) well I am glad to hear Manfreda Bloodspot is easy , I plan to get them for 2011.. succulents seem to be an addiction.
    take care!

  6. Fun and care-free…can’t get enough of those succulents! ‘Bloodspot’ has been very easy to winter indoors, for me, too. Good thing, in this climate!

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