How to Grow from Seed Lemon Basil, Kale and Lettuce

How to Grow from Seed When Planting Lemon Basil, Kale and Lettuce

This video will give you and idea on how to start from seed easily to grow your own food.

Growing from seed is the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself and your family.

There is nothing like nurturing seedlings to grow and share with others.

In this video I seeded lemon basil, kale, and black seeded simpson lettuce.

We are in November and it is nice to have plants growing indoors especially through our cold winter months which can get pretty long.

If you have never grown from seed, what a better time to start..

You can grow from seed on a smaller scale that works for you.

You will need the following to grow from seed:

Seeds, Trays, Soil, warm place to Germinate or Heating Mat, and Lighting.

Please use what you have available and then possible expand if you do grow many seeds in a season.

Growing from seed is very rewarding and a healthy practice anyone can do in the comfort of their home.

I hope this video gives you some information on growing from seed, not only that but will inspire you to starting growing your own food.

Happy Gardening Friends,


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