Echeveria Pink Frills

Echeveria Pink Frills

When it comes to succulents , can you really have enough of them?  well I  I have a true weakness for  them, since I started collecting them a few years.

What a beauty! I love the frilly edges which show a pink hue tone over blue  foliage.

Echeveria Pink Frills forms rosettes to 6 inches or more in diameter with frilly frosty like violet leaves that are margined in bright pink.

Use as color accents in rock gardens, wreaths, dish combination gardens, and patio plantings.

In Spring months this blooms small apricot bell-shaped flowers  that have a arching habit.

Likes bright light  conditions, no colder than 36F degrees , and it hardy in zone 10 .

Work indoors too as a houseplant , but grow cooler and give bright light to prevent stretching.


photo courtesy of gardenlife

New for Spring 2011,  would think it will be a hit as it is such a pretty succulent, unique frilly leaves will definitely catch some eyes.

When I look at this succulent the first thing I noticed is the frilly leaves, what do you notice? or what catches your attention?

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm






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