Seeing Beauty In Our 4 Seasons

Where are the Years Going ? I don’t have to tell you they are moving along quite fast these days, you know it!

The years are passing by so very fast, I would love to stop time for just a little while , time just goes too fast. If only we could bottle up moments in time and save them for later and then go back to enjoy them.

Even though I would love to have our Spring weather year around, I realized that in every season there is something to be thankful for in the garden and in nature.

It is funny that as I am getting older I see beauty in almost everything and everywhere , even Winter.

I know this may sound crazy to some of you, but some of my best photos are in the Winter months.

I want to take you through the seasons, and those of you that experience 4 seasons as I do, I hope you realize what a gift we have.


Spring is new beginnings, new life. I love seeing the dormant plants emerge out of the ground each Spring. This brings me such satisfaction and appreciation.

I love seeing the grass turn green. What a pleasant smell the first cut grass brings, this is indeed something I look forward to.

One of the first flowers you will see around gardening centers is the Pansy flower. Pansies are a sign of Spring, as they love growing in the cooler weather Spring brings.

I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden. ~Ruth Stout


Sunny Summer days can be quite pleasing out in the gardens, so much is blooming at this time. Our weather can get pretty warm here in Iowa, but the flowers seem to handle it quite well.

Lots of interesting creatures during this time . Bees, Butterflies, Frogs and Toads, they all serve their purpose , and I welcome them all.

In this photo the Sunrise Echinacea is showing off it’s long blooming summer flower, makes a beautiful showing during summer months, even the painted lady butterflies know it is summer and enjoy the taste of the cone flower.


Then followed that beautiful season… Summer….

Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape

Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Love the view looking up in the trees during the fall when the colors of the leaves are changing.

If the trees could stay this color longer I wouldn’t would love Fall more. Falling leaves makes for work but it also makes for a much needed mulch.

We experience the changing of the trees, fall color is very short lived some years, with cold weather coming in and bringing the almighty frost.

I know what comes after fall , maybe that is why I want it to stay away a little longer.

However, Fall is a season we must have , fallen leaves give us many nutrients , a special gift to all of us that love to garden.

Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn. ~Elizabeth Lawrence


Snow covered everything , warms the earth and protects our treasures. Makes for beautiful moments in the garden. Snow is rather Pretty!

Here sits a water garden , fenced in perennial yard with a nice backdrop of evergreens and willows . Covered with winter’s white snow mulch. This is Beauty!

Although cold and long I have found winter to be one of the most beautiful seasons for scenery photos.

I do not like the cold , but must have this period for everything to be in balance, I guess. Plants need to rest , birds need to migrate, and us as humans need a break from playing in the soil.

I love winter more for what comes after . Winter needs to happen for Spring to be so appreciated!

In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. ~William Blake

There really is beauty in every season!

 Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

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2 thoughts on “Seeing Beauty In Our 4 Seasons”

  1. Dianne –
    Your blog is as interesting as your Youtube Videos! I see you follow Anna and her new project too. Am excited to see it released

  2. Hi Steve, thanks so much.. that means a lot, and yes I believe in Best Garden Blogs Magazine very much. Anna is a wonderful person and is working very hard for all of us gardeners. Thanks for stopping by!

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