Through the Years Greenhouse Changes

When I think Spring, what come to mind is seeds, sowing, and greenhouse growing.  Spring brings on new life, new beginnings and new challenges. Spring is my favorite time of year, as there is so much happening all around.

I live in Iowa so as we go through long winter months I feel we have earned a breath of fresh air, this is where spring comes into play, and boy is it welcomed by all.

Playing in the dirt during the spring months  has never become so popular. No one has to force me to plant a seed, transplant a flower, or sun bathe in my greenhouse. The warmth inside my greenhouse can give such pleasure physically,   but also mentally.

What is good for the body , is good for the soul.  Garden Therapy at its Best! I did not say I needed therapy but it never can hurt, just storing some up for later use.

Growing your own food these days is rewarding, fun and is just a wonderful and healthy  practice to be doing for you and your family. Not only food but if you have a love for flowers, you may want to plants a few flower seeds too.

I started growing plants from seed many many years ago, way before I even knew where my life was going. I always had a love for growing something, whether it was houseplants, veggies or flowers. If I was up for the challenge it would be achieved one way or another.

Do you inherit this love for plants?  Or is this just something that maybe you were around as a child . We always put in a garden as I was growing up, don’t really remember  to much as  having indoor plants, but we did garden outdoors each year.

My grandma had a green thumb and you know I  never really was around or noticed this too much as growing up.. She loved her plants and had many, but I guess not being real close I really didn’t get the opportunity to explore it. If I had the chance I am not sure I would of as I probably was not into gardening like I am today.

I feel it took years to see where my heart lies, to see how rewarding and fulfilling it is to grow  and nurture seeds  into beautiful flowers or edible plants.

As I grew older and wiser as they say. I really was not happy in working a job for someone else.  But I did love  working at a local gardening center. The garden center  really taught me lots and gave me the bug . Finally I realize where my passion lied.

After working in our local town for a few more years, finally I had the thought I want my own greenhouse , to grow veggies, flowers, and anything green.  I can do this , and I did.

Starting playing  in the soil in 1999 and still going strong today.

First Greenhouse in 1999 was 12×16 old chicken house.  How did I ever grow in this greenhouse!  Now it is used as a cold frame potting shed.  I love my little greenhouse! Plans are to restore  the greenhouse in  Spring 2011.

In the year 2000 our greenhouse grew to a  22×40  hoop house, we expanded this greenhouse into 22×72 in I believe  2006

Tearing down the old hoop house, we ended up selling this unit, now I wish we would of kept the greenhouse , can always use them for keeping plants warm.  We built the new greenhouse in the same location.

In the year 2009 My greenhouse really grew to a  nice sized  40×70. I feel spoiled and I believe I am. This greenhouse helped me to expand  and spread my wings.

This building is a multiuse building all year long, as we also use it for storage, soil, lawn mower, four wheeler, tractor, etc. My husband wants  it really bad, I say all in due time.

Don’t let anyone  ever tell you , you can’t do something. Go where your passion lies, lots of things can happen if  you love what you are doing.

Living my passion every day in every way I know possible. It feels good to love what you do and to share what you do with others.

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm



2 thoughts on “Through the Years Greenhouse Changes”

  1. I built my first “greenhouse” this spring. It was a 12×14 dog pen. I made hoops with pvc pipe and covered it with plastic.

    It is very crude, but got the job done.

    I enjoy my getaway spot, especially in cool, rainy weather.

  2. whatever works is what I say, enjoy your time and you will learn lots when working in a greenhouse .. It is very rewarding!

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