Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry

Echinacea PowWow WildBerry

Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry, The most floriferous Echinacea we’ve ever seen, thanks to its extensive branching and no-deadhead re bloom!

PowWow Wild Berry has earned it’s beauty by winning the 2010 All- American Selection(AAS) Award. One of the most breathtaking Echinacea yet, as their branching habit makes for more flowers all season.

Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry

Photo courtesy of Harris Seeds

I know there is many Echinacea’s  on the market but you should take a minute to learn about this one as it has some really wonderful qualities you may adore.

Here is a trait you are going to love, It doesn’t need deadheaded to set new buds, so you know what that means, flowers keep coming all season long .

Compact in size , making for a container plant as well as for the landscape. Big 3- to 4-inch blooms keep their one-of-a-kind rosy-purple coloring.

Fade -proof bloom color beginning in early summer right into fall.

As with all  Echinacea’s they attract butterflies and bees, and birds love their seed-filled cones in autumn and winter months.

Echinacea PowWow WildBerry


Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry plant height reaches 20-24 inches tall, with a spread of 12-16 inches wide. May be one of the smaller Echinacea’s , but don’t let  that fool you, as it bears more blooms that just about any other cone flower.

PowWow Wild Berry is adaptable to just about any climate area in the United States. Grow in a well drained soil area.



Plant in full sun and really thrives and appreciates any conditions Mother Nature throws it’s way.

Hardy in zones 3-9, so happy to see PowWow Wild Berry hardy in many zone areas, where people can enjoy year after year.

Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry

I am really excited about this one, I am growing this one from seed and so far it is growing very well.

Purple Cone Flower

Pow Wow Wildberry

Happy Gardening,

Diane Mumm




6 thoughts on “Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry”

  1. Just checked with my husband and he bought some seed – package only has 10 seeds so we will take great care in sowing and raising them – that is one beautiful echinacea

  2. Hi Lynne they seem easy to grow from seed, good luck , I am excited to transplant in a couple of weeks..

  3. Hi Diane

    This is Pastor Mike. I love the flowers I am going to get some! I live in zone 9, do you recommend started seeds indoors. Or should I direct sow them?

  4. Hi Mike, these are really easy to start indoors as you can see from my photo. If you have good luck direct sowing , by all means do so.. You may have better luck however getting them going indoors , then gradually placing outdoors to get used to the new area.

  5. Hi Diane,
    Lovely photos there!
    I got Coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) seeds from a good friend of mine and would like to know how deep to sow them and do they need light for germination? I am confused as some website say that they should not be covered. Also how long does it take to germinate?
    I also have the Echinacea pallida seeds and does it require cold stratification?

  6. Hi, you can plant them 1/4 in deep and I believe my germed well in darkness. Some seeds will germinate either way.. Germination will depend on your setup I used a heat mat at 70 degrees and they germed really well , don’t remember right off but a quess would be 1-2 weeks.. my package stated 14-21 days but did not take that long .

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