How to- Harvesting Herbs Indoors for Cooking Use

Growing herbs indoors for winter use is pretty rewarding to use in your everyday cooking needs.

Harvesting and drying herbs in the winter is really a pretty simple process.

I really enjoyed growing herbs this winter I mean what a better way to pass the long cold months indoors. Herbs grow very well indoors  under lights , didn’t really see many problems doing so.

Buy Indoor Gardening & Hydroponics Germination Kits

Herbs I  haven’t grown indoors were cinnamon basil, lime basil, lemon basil  , all were  very aromatic and quite pleasing to harvest.

Another way to preserve is to freeze  herbs or make pesto and so on.. This will be for another time..

Use this mini greenhouse for your Herbs

Nice Selection of Cinnamon Basil seeds

Nice Selection Lime Basil Seeds

Nice Selection of Oregano Seeds

Herbs are easy to grow from seed . Some even do well indoors. For an example Rosemary grows in my south facing window . I have been taking cuttings of rosemary all winter long.. then air drying them. Easy and it works great!

Nice Selection of Herb Seeds at a Great Price!

Happy Growing




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