How to Grow Mums
If this article we will cover everything regarding how to grow mums.
Nothing says Fall like Mums also called Chrysanthemum
Beautifully vibrant blooms form on cushions of mum plants usually in the fall months of the year.
When many plants being annual or perennial are wanting to go to bed , mums are just beginning to put on a show in your garden.
Mums come in array of colors and forms nowadays. They can grow to heights of 2-3 ft depending on the cultivar and the growing conditions and area.
Plant your mums in a sunny location in well drained soil . Mums can be planted either spring or fall months. Mums grow in zones 3-9 however make sure and buy the hardy mums especially for your zone area if you want them to come back every year. Some cultivars may vary so pay close attention to the type of mum you purchase.
Newly planted mums can be fertilized every week . Established mums once a month . Do not fertilize after July.
If you ever had trouble with your mums fall over or separating , one reason for this may be that they need pinched throughout the growing season. Pinching your mums 1-2 inches ย is usually done at 3-4 week intervals up to the first week of July..ย There may be different requirements for certain cultivars.
Transplanting or Dividing
If you are noticing your mums overgrowing their space or getting crowded they need to be divided , usually around every 2-3 years is a good rule of thumb. Best time to do this is after they have bloomed during the fall season months.
How to Grow Mums
General Care
Mums do not like to become too dry , especially newly planted mums.ย Make sure you water them if your experiencing a dry spell in your area. This can be anytime Spring, Summer or Fall.
Mulching too is very important .To prepare for winter in colder climates, it is a good to mulch your mums.
Do not cut back your mums after blooming the foliage will help protect the plant throughout the winter months, it aids in insulating the plants roots.
Mums like good air circulation so try not to crowd when planting.
Oct 1, 2011 In full bud form
Few Days Later
More blossoms opening ย just a few more days later
As you can see by these two bronze mums, they are changing in just a few days time
Perhaps my favorite color of Mums.
Here again the yellow mums, they are changing in just a few days time
Cushion blossoms and loaded with beauty!
Mums From Buds to Blooms
In Full Bloom Oct 13, 2011
Thanks for Stopping By today!
[..YouTube..] I love love love fall mums. I have some burgundy colored ones in my yard. but deep orange ones are my favourite. thank you for the instructions about pinching. I’ve been clueless about it but have wondered how the nurseries get such bushy mums. I need to remember that for next year. seriously, thank you for this info! ~Amanda
I love love love fall mums. I have some burgundy colored ones in my yard. but deep orange ones are my favourite. thank you for the instructions about pinching. I’ve been clueless about it but have wondered how the nurseries get such bushy mums. I need to remember that for next year. seriously, thank you for this info! ~Amanda
[..YouTube..] The cat wanted to say something hehe. Glad to know my cats arent the only loud mouths lol
The cat wanted to say something hehe. Glad to know my cats arent the only loud mouths lol
[..YouTube..] and I’ve shared your video on facebook too
and I’ve shared your video on facebook too
[..YouTube..] @GettingThereGreen you are very welcome Amanda, thanks for coming by.. ๐
[..YouTube..] you are very welcome Amanda, thanks for coming by.. ๐
[..YouTube..] you are very welcome Amanda, thanks for coming by.. ๐
you are very welcome Amanda, thanks for coming by.. ๐
[..YouTube..] Great video. I absolutely love the beauty of mums and I have them in my front garden. You answered my question on spreading. I had no idea that they needed to be pinched back several times! My mums looked great for a while, then, we had a bunch of rain the other day and they are all droopy and spreading and falling all over the place! I’ll definitely pinch them back next season. Thanks for the info Diane! ๐
Great video. I absolutely love the beauty of mums and I have them in my front garden. You answered my question on spreading. I had no idea that they needed to be pinched back several times! My mums looked great for a while, then, we had a bunch of rain the other day and they are all droopy and spreading and falling all over the place! I’ll definitely pinch them back next season. Thanks for the info Diane! ๐
[..YouTube..] Yours are very pretty!!
Yours are very pretty!!
[..YouTube..] @chicagocindybuddie , glad it helped Cindy! ๐
[..YouTube..] , glad it helped Cindy! ๐
[..YouTube..] , glad it helped Cindy! ๐
, glad it helped Cindy! ๐
[..YouTube..] @GospelTruth37059 , she is always trying to take the spotlight.. ha!
[..YouTube..] , she is always trying to take the spotlight.. ha!
[..YouTube..] , she is always trying to take the spotlight.. ha!
, she is always trying to take the spotlight.. ha!
[..YouTube..] @loislaney23 , Thanks Lois!
[..YouTube..] , Thanks Lois!
[..YouTube..] , Thanks Lois!
, Thanks Lois!
[..YouTube..] A usual more beautiful flowers everywhere!
A usual more beautiful flowers everywhere!
Diane, they are the cutest cats! They look like twins ๐
[..YouTube..] Thank you for sharing your beautiful mums and sweet cats with us.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful mums and sweet cats with us.
[..YouTube..] @Incredibleisaac2 , don’t they thou.. I guess you could say they are.. ๐ they are special here on the farm.
[..YouTube..] , don’t they thou.. I guess you could say they are.. ๐ they are special here on the farm.
, don’t they thou.. I guess you could say they are.. ๐ they are special here on the farm.
[..YouTube..] @vintageozarks , thanks for watching, I think the cats love being in the video..:)
[..YouTube..] , thanks for watching, I think the cats love being in the video..:)
, thanks for watching, I think the cats love being in the video..:)
@Dianemummvideos I wish I had cats. Or dogs.
[..YouTube..] Do you cut back Purple Asters the same way as Mums??? My Asters are so tall and leggy, and have since fallen down because of the rain ๐
Do you cut back Purple Asters the same way as Mums??? My Asters are so tall and leggy, and have since fallen down because of the rain ๐
[..YouTube..] @aratloon , could be or you may just need to divide them , how long has it been since you did? so try both pinching back mid July for heavier blooms and stronger stems, and dividing your clump, give good air circulation too! hope this helps!
[..YouTube..] , could be or you may just need to divide them , how long has it been since you did? so try both pinching back mid July for heavier blooms and stronger stems, and dividing your clump, give good air circulation too! hope this helps!
, could be or you may just need to divide them , how long has it been since you did? so try both pinching back mid July for heavier blooms and stronger stems, and dividing your clump, give good air circulation too! hope this helps!
[..YouTube..] The mums look great. ๐
The mums look great. ๐
[..YouTube..] @CPASteve981 , thanks Steve!
[..YouTube..] , thanks Steve!
, thanks Steve!
[..YouTube..] I think the co-stars are ready for their own show ! Beautiful critters. And the mums are pretty too ! ๐
I think the co-stars are ready for their own show ! Beautiful critters. And the mums are pretty too ! ๐
[..YouTube..] @mhpgardener , I can’t do much outside without them around.. kinda nice in a way.. thanks a lot Bobby.. always nice to see ya stop by..
[..YouTube..] , I can’t do much outside without them around.. kinda nice in a way.. thanks a lot Bobby.. always nice to see ya stop by..
, I can’t do much outside without them around.. kinda nice in a way.. thanks a lot Bobby.. always nice to see ya stop by..
[..YouTube..] Those are so beautiful! The colors look great together.. & I love the kitties too- thanks for another great video! ๐
Those are so beautiful! The colors look great together.. & I love the kitties too- thanks for another great video! ๐
[..YouTube..] @gardenmagik Thanks Melissa, and for stopping by.. the cats must be in the video.. the one is always meowing so I have to show people her pretty little self.. ๐
[..YouTube..] Thanks Melissa, and for stopping by.. the cats must be in the video.. the one is always meowing so I have to show people her pretty little self.. ๐
[..YouTube..] Thanks Melissa, and for stopping by.. the cats must be in the video.. the one is always meowing so I have to show people her pretty little self.. ๐
Thanks Melissa, and for stopping by.. the cats must be in the video.. the one is always meowing so I have to show people her pretty little self.. ๐
[..YouTube..] The asters were planted about 3 years ago…they are loaded with blooms every season, but just get too leggy. I will try cutting them back mid July ๐ Thanks so much for your wonderful advice ๐ Tara
The asters were planted about 3 years ago…they are loaded with blooms every season, but just get too leggy. I will try cutting them back mid July ๐ Thanks so much for your wonderful advice ๐ Tara
[..YouTube..] @aratloon , you are welcome , so it looks like you could also divide a few if you wanted to, will help them greatly and you will lots more around your gardens..:)
[..YouTube..] , you are welcome , so it looks like you could also divide a few if you wanted to, will help them greatly and you will lots more around your gardens..:)
, you are welcome , so it looks like you could also divide a few if you wanted to, will help them greatly and you will lots more around your gardens..:)
[..YouTube..] Hi Chloe and Zoie! Calico’s are such sweeties aren’t they!!!
Hi Chloe and Zoie! Calico’s are such sweeties aren’t they!!!
[..YouTube..] @sharonkstevens , yeah they are great to have around here.. I think they are going on 12 or 13yrs old now..
[..YouTube..] , yeah they are great to have around here.. I think they are going on 12 or 13yrs old now..
, yeah they are great to have around here.. I think they are going on 12 or 13yrs old now..
[..YouTube..] Diane…your mums are beautiful, AND SO FULL OF BLOOMS. Really nice video. We went to Mom’s earlier in the week. I saw these beautiful flowers planted around one of her palms. “What kind of plants are those Mom?” MUMS. Shows you what I know about flowers???Cheyenne says to tell your cats hello! Great video!
Diane…your mums are beautiful, AND SO FULL OF BLOOMS. Really nice video. We went to Mom’s earlier in the week. I saw these beautiful flowers planted around one of her palms. “What kind of plants are those Mom?” MUMS. Shows you what I know about flowers???Cheyenne says to tell your cats hello! Great video!
[..YouTube..] @DubandDebs , thank you, that is too funny..Mom could probably teach you a few things on flowers I bet! well flowers are my pride and joy I love their beauty around the place.. So Cheyenne liked the cats.. they are wonderful creatures I enjoy them here on the farm..
[..YouTube..] , thank you, that is too funny..Mom could probably teach you a few things on flowers I bet! well flowers are my pride and joy I love their beauty around the place.. So Cheyenne liked the cats.. they are wonderful creatures I enjoy them here on the farm..
, thank you, that is too funny..Mom could probably teach you a few things on flowers I bet! well flowers are my pride and joy I love their beauty around the place.. So Cheyenne liked the cats.. they are wonderful creatures I enjoy them here on the farm..
[..YouTube..] Your mums are beautiful. You’ve sure been busy, I have a lot of catching up to do with your videos.
Your mums are beautiful. You’ve sure been busy, I have a lot of catching up to do with your videos.
[..YouTube..] I like the tall chrysanthemum with bigger blooms. You can see it in my video of early snow in the east coast. The snow really knocked them over but this morning I checked and the blooms that have already open are still doing fine ^_^
I like the tall chrysanthemum with bigger blooms. You can see it in my video of early snow in the east coast. The snow really knocked them over but this morning I checked and the blooms that have already open are still doing fine ^_^
[..YouTube..] i swear your like the coolest lady i know on youtube ๐
i swear your like the coolest lady i know on youtube ๐
[..YouTube..] Hi, I just planted my orange minature mums. How often do I water them? I will fertilize them every week as you recommended…Is it necessary to put Mulch? Hope to hear from you soon. thanks
Hi, I just planted my orange minature mums. How often do I water them? I will fertilize them every week as you recommended…Is it necessary to put Mulch? Hope to hear from you soon. thanks
[..YouTube..] I would say if you are dry in your area to water well once a week.. until established.. I like mulch it can keep the plant from drying out and also helps in protection in the winter.. but it is up to you it is beneficial to mulch.. hope this helps..
I would say if you are dry in your area to water well once a week.. until established.. I like mulch it can keep the plant from drying out and also helps in protection in the winter.. but it is up to you it is beneficial to mulch.. hope this helps..
[..YouTube..] Yes, it helps. Thanks your for reply
Yes, it helps. Thanks your for reply
I panted mums last year, it’s June 2 in NYC and they are bloomimg. One is complete, pretty flowers, lol.
Wow, Very informative!!
thanks for stopping in..
Your Mums look great, love the cats too, they are beautiful. My cat, “Queen Latifa” follows me around too whenever I’m outside looking over the flowers and plants. Great video, thanks for uploading.
I bought six pots of mums in October and my neighbor just told me that I should take them out of the pots and put them in the ground for winter. I’m not sure how to do this. Any advice?
find a area in sun , dig a hole bigger than the root system of the plants , water in well , mulch if necessary.. and keep watered if you are having a dry fall.. hope that helps!
It’s the end of April and I had some mums that spread, fell over and looked awful. I pulled them up and replanted the bed with daffodils and tulips. but I’d like some mums again to have color for fall. My questions are: 1. Should I plant mums now in May that are already in bloom? or should I plant them with only their green foilage? 2.For their longevity, when would be the better time to plant? Spring? or October?
mums are a fall plant and you usually see them in the garden centers in the fall for planting, I actually planted mine in the spring and they did great.I wouldn’t plant them while in bloom, only if they are established plants coming from the garden center.. , I think you can plant them either time provided they have enough time to set in roots in the ground in the fall..
I planted some yesterday from an established nursery. They are budding and one is in bloom. Problem is, my daffodils are also planted in the flower bed. Is it true that I have to keep the mums well hydrated? And that daffodils don’t like much water? If that’s so, then I just might kill my daffodils!! Don’t want that to happen!
until they take root.. and get established not a bad idea , this is for many plants you grow…
Beautiful! Thanks for your share. ^_^
i hate my mum!!!
Wow, very informative! Awesome tips for homeowners as they are getting their landscaping ready for Fall.
Was planting spring bulbs today and planted mums over them. Was told to do this by my best friend. Is she sabotaging me? I’m a newbie to the ground planting.
awesome info Thank you !!!!
great video now I know how to plant pam w. ohio
Mum plant the mum video
U only talk to one audience all in B-
love the mums . I have the yellow and rust color . I have a problem with ants all over them . I am afraid they might hurt them ,any thing I can use that want hurt the flowers?
what are they called
I got some mums the little boy next door throws his ball in the middle of my mums and broke the middle out how do I get the middle of my mums to grow back hopefully you can help me I would love to send you a picture so you could see what they look like they used to be nice and pretty now they look horrible and I don’t know what to do for them to make thepretty
when your mumm get broke will they grow back I got a neighbor boy who plays football and his football lands in my mumm and got him broke door there’s a hole in the middleof them
when you replanted the trimmings…did you use any rooting hormone?
thanks very much for the wonderful info..
What will happen if I am starting from seed in mid July in New England?