Propagating Pussy Willows

Propagating  Pussy Willows

Propagating Pussy Willows from your current pussy willow bush, try propagating in early spring before they even start to show any sign of life.

Cut the branches in late winter before any sign of life.

Then place them indoors in water and watch the magic happen.

Propagating Pussy Willows

Propagating Pussy Willows

They have the most unusual buds called catkins, a delight to see and more important a delight to grow. Catkins grow before the green growth of the leaves appear.

Propagating Pussy Willows

Healthy roots from the pussy willow branches, after sitting in water for a period of time.

Propagating Pussy Willows

Once the branches start taking root, you will notice some green leaf growth appearing on the branches.

Propagating Pussy Willows

The pussy willow branches are beautiful when placed in a vase. Adding some uniquely unusual centerpiece in your home.

Continue on watching the videos to learn more.

Rooting Salix Pussy Willows Indoors

Rooting and Planting in Pots Salix Pussy Willow Branches

Check out what is needed today to help the Monarch butterfly population

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