Wild Black Cherry Tree

The wild black cherry tree is showing it’s spectacular color during the fall months here in Iowa. What an amazing tree!

For a few years now we have noticed the Wild Black Cherry Tree growing in one of our fields here in southwest Iowa.

Wild Black Cherry Tree

Wild Black Cherry Tree

Prunus serotina


The wild black cherry tree is native to our area. This is just one area where I have seen this tree growing. It is located near the  Nishnabotna River, but I imagine there are several others areas where this tree is taking root.

This year I decided to take photos, as I did not know the name of this tree.  I asked some people on social media and I believe now we have the correct name of this beautiful black cherry tree

Wild Black Cherry Tree

Prunus Serotina Black Cherry, the fall color is very striking and it can be seen from afar.

There is several growing here on the terraced hill. Therefore, the wild black cherry tree must enjoy growing on the terraced areas or because that is the only place allowed to grow as we work and spray the ground in the field areas.

Wild Black Cherry Tree

These trees will have to be cut down.  As the trees sit on our terraces in our field where we grow corn and soybeans.   I hope to dig a few of the smaller trees and find a new location for them.

Wild Black Cherry Tree

In this closeup, you can really see the color and detail of the leaves. The orange to red color is long lasting if the weather cooperates.

Wild Black Cherry Tree

As you can see from the map the locations of the wild black cherry tree are present and not present in different areas of the states.


Wild Black Cherry Tree

Some of these trees have some pretty good size to them. The wild cherry tree must have set seed by birds, because of the wild cherry fruit in the Spring months.

Wild Black Cherry Tree

In conclusion, You can find a lot more info see link below.

You can read more info about this beautiful native tree here at wild cherry tree identification

How to Grow Fall Mums

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