Miscanthus Zebra Grass

Miscanthus Zebra Grass  is a beautiful upright clumping ornamental grass.  This type of grass has a arching habit . It is marked by conspicuous horizontal bands of yellow on the foliage.  In summer those bands can have the appearance of red blotches.. Very Pretty!

Miscanthus Zebra Grass

Miscanthus Zebra Grass

The plumes produce copper colored flowers in mid September. This is a must have grass.. It does also tolerate some shade in our area.. This is a warm season grass , the grass will grow to  7 feet,- 8 feet with flower, sun, dry, flowers September, Zones 5-9, Origin: Asia

Check out Zebra Grass on Amazon


Miscanthus Zebra Grass

Miscanthus sinensis  ‘Zebrinus’ Zebra Gras

Tips: Make sure you water in well if you have a dry fall .. This will help it to not die back, and protects it thru the fall and winter months.

Zebra Grass is really a nice fall and winter accent plant.. It is best in my opinion to leave the grass alone till  spring,  this also adds spectacular winter interest.

More ornamental grasses

Missouri Botanical Garden

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

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