Heuchera Peach Crisp

Heuchera Peach Crisp

Heuchera peach crisp


Heuchera Peach Crisp  has ruffled peach to amber leaf color, with a tight mounding habit. I am loving the shape of the leaves and the fullness look to the plant.

Works well  in containers, and also can be planted as a edger plant.

Heuchera Peach Crisp  grows in full sun, but hmm wondering as usually heuchera like a sun to part sun/shade area so I will have to grow in more sun and see for sure it works well in that light area.

Always provide good drainage and keep the crown above the soil .

Grows just 6″ tall foliage height, 14″ wide and 15 ” flower height.

Blooms in Spring with white blossoms.

Hardy in zones 4-9.

I got a feeling I am going to really love this heuchera, and I can see it now in containers.

Watch for this Heuchera  this year , let me know your thoughts  about this beautiful one.

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm






3 thoughts on “Heuchera Peach Crisp”

  1. I am addicted to these as well and probably have at least 20 varieties…and I still buy them as well as the heucherellas and tiarellas…

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