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Dorotheanthus Mezoo Aptenia

Dorotheanthus Mezoo Aptenia

Dorotheanthus Mezoo Aptenia  has a trailing habit with red flowers  and succulent variegated thick fleshy leaves. The leaves seem to store water which makes it a idea plant to grow with succulents.

A unique low-growing plant that can used either alone or in mixed containers.

If used in mixed combination, it is great spilling over the edges of pots or containers.

Dorotheanthus Mezoo Aptenia

Dorotheanthus Mezoo Aptenia

Dorotheanthus Mezoo Aptenia has a very controlled growth habit.

This plant does do well indoors provided it has high lighting. It may get stretchy in appearance but easily fixed by taking cuttings.

It  will form small red flowers when grown under high light and warm temperatures.

Dorotheanthus Mezoo Aptenia

<<<Buy Aptenia Iceplant>>>

It has excellent heat and drought tolerance in the landscape.

This is a unique plant that reminds me up a iceplant,  as the flower resembles those of iceplants.

How to Propagate video

<<<Buy Aptenia Iceplant>>>

Dorotheanthus Mezoo Aptenia

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

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