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Argyranthemum Butterfly Marguerite Daisy

Argyranthemum Butterfly Marguerite Daisy  has spectacular bright lemon-yellow daisies all season; heat tolerant; excellent garden performance.

Argyranthemum Butterfly Marguerite Daisy

Argyranthemum Butterfly Marguerite Daisy

Best Seller as it has these attributes
• Deadheading Not Necessary, but can improve the look and appearance.
• Fall Interest
• Landscape Plant

Deadheading may improve appearance but isn’t necessary for continuous bloom.

The Butterfly looks great as a backdrop or the center of a container. So bright and sunny!

Butterfly Marguerite Daisy is hardy to 30 degrees.  Mostly grown as a annual except Zone 10-11

Plant in sun to partial shade, Grows 18-36 inches.

Mix with reds, blue flowers to compliment each plants appearance..

You can see another bright colored  Yellow Goldilocks  proven winner flower .

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

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