Diane's Post Archives - Page 96 of 194 - Picket Fence Greenhouse/ Gardens

GoldDust Mecardonia

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners – www.provenwinners.com

GoldDust Mecardonia

Small green leaves are covered with yellow nemesia-like flowers from May through October, excellent heat tolerance.

• Deadheading Not Necessary-Self Cleaning 
• Heat Tolerant
• Landscape Plant
• Low Maintenance 
• New

Great in landscapes and container combinations. GoldDust  has a trailing habit and is classified as a spiller plant.

Grows to just a height of 2-5 inches tall, Plant in a sun location.

Hardy to 25 degrees, and is a annual in most areas except Zones 9-11.

This plant looks to be a nice looking compact plant. People love yellow flowers and it has a excellent growth habit for growing in any containers .

Happy Gardening


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