Trailing Petunia Beds

Trailing Petunia Beds

Trailing Petunia Beds

Trailing Petunia Beds are showing  their true potential in the summer months here in the Midwest.

This petunia once was a Supertunia.  I decided to keep some seeds one fall and then planted them the following year .

Now I just let the seed fall to the ground and let the seeds germinate outside , once they do I dig a few up and pot them in my little greenhouse . Once they are big enough I plant out in my flower garden.

As you can see my petunia flower garden as a nice mix of colors .

If you are looking for flowers that have a long bloom time then trailing petunia or any petunia cultivar would be a good choice.

In the late summer months the moth hummingbird (tomato horn worm larva ) also known as sphinx moths, frequently visits petunia beds.

moth hummingbird, sphinx moth

Growing petunia from seed is pretty easy .  Petunias  require light to germinate .

You gotta love when you can collect petunia seed and save them for the following year to grow.. It is very rewarding and fun at the same time..

Since there is so many petunia colors on the market these days.. It is fun to go to the garden centers to see all the new varieties..

<<<Buy Petunia Seeds>>>


Trailing Petunia Beds

Trailing Petunia Beds

<<<Buy Petunia Seeds>>>

You can see more flowers that are long blooming here 

I hope you enjoyed this little piece of beauty


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