Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’-Golden Variegated Sweet Flag
Similar in size and growth habit to Variegated Sweet Flag, but has beautiful golden-colored leaves with green stripes. Brightens shade gardens and moist, sunny areas.
Acorus is a neutral grass. Evergreen or neutral grasses are usually plants that look like grasses but aren’t actually classified as grasses, they are generally called grass-like plants.
Butter-yellow sword-like blades add wonderful contrast all season; likes moisture
Perfect for containers, borders and beds
QUICK FACTS: Warm season, gold-variegated foliage
Grows to 15 inches, Plant in shade-sun area and it likes wet conditions.
Hardy Zones 5-10
Origin: Japan, China
This was a new grass-like plant I carried last season 2009 and I really thought it was quite unusual , mostly by the way it seem to lay.. It may a great backdrop to pots and added such color to containers.
Happy Gardening
Diane Mumm