Cardinal Climber Vine
Cardinal Climber Vine is blooming red tubular flowers. Looking amazing on this warm summer day here in the Midwest.
This vine is a cross between Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) and Red Morning Glory (Ipomoea coccinea).
For those of you that love the morning glory, this vine may be one you want to try in your garden.
At a guess, there are probably 8-12 plants .. around each wheel.. so you can see they really do fill in with a few months of time.
When these plants started growing I had to train them up around the metal axle with some wooden sticks.
This vine can get aggressive and grow quite fast once the weather turns warm and sunny.
We had large amounts of rain this year but it didn’t seem to bother this vine at all. It honestly seems to thrive.
Although just an annual in my area, the frost will kill the entire plant so there is never any worry of being over aggressive in our area.
In the fall months, I did get a chance to see a few hummingbirds flying around this plant. They love it!
I was able to harvest some seeds from this vine. I never have had a real issue with them self-seeding and coming back the following year.
What do you think? My plans next growing season will probably be the same, plant more of the same..;) continuing to grow what loves to grow in our Midwest weather.
Up close photo of the red tubular flowers on the cardinal climber vine. Also, check out the unique shaped leaves of this vine.
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