Diane’s Posts

Summer Flower Gardens

Summer Gardens Update

July – August 2020

On this page a video and photos detailing my Summer Flower Gardens.

Every year I like to share all the gardening plants , some I started from seed and some are perennials and plants that reseed and come back every year.

In this video I also share a what happened back in June.. something to this day still hurts to think about..

This season we also experienced drought , so every day was watering day for me.

Thanks for watching..

summer flower gardens

Summer Flower Gardens -Back Yard 2020

A view from the back side of our home. When I walk out the patio door this is what I see in the summer months. As you know having so many flowers bring on predators and beneficial bugs , bees and butterflies.

hydrangea limelight

Hydrangea Limelight

This hydrangea makes a beautiful taller bush , with large clustered white blossoms. Very hardy perennial woody shrub..

blue morning glory

Morning Glory

These morning glory plants were from seed at least 10 yrs old.. The seed germinated very well and the plants just flourish not only in the pots before transplanting but when I planted in the garden . Watch the video to see them live.

pink zinnia

Pink Zinnia

This pink zinnia grew from my orange king zinnia seeds I had saved from a few years back. What a beautiful color and flower. Zinnias are grown by many year after year in the garden.

Looking for more videos You can see my full playlists here .. click here 


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© 2018 and beyond Picket Fence Greenhouse all rights reserved.
