Diane’s Posts

Rhodochiton Purple Bell Vine

Rhodochiton Purple Bell Vine

Heart- Shaped leaves, climbing , twisting stalks and a fascinating, dark purple bloom with an umbrella-shaped fuchsia-hued calyx which remains after the center has fallen.

Use in hanging baskets or trellises.

Early and Free flowering. Appears to flower from  mid summer to autumn.

Grows 72-84 inches.

Plant in sun to partial sun area . Perennial in frost free climates . Try it as a houseplant!

Whether you grow this in the ground as an annual or in a hanging basket, it will bring you a long season of flowers and add an exotic touch to your garden.

This is a interesting plant and will be one I am starting from seed, I have never offered this plant before but am anxious to see how it does in our area.

Purple bells will be treated as a annual here in my zone of 4/5

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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