Diane’s Posts

Hosta Montana Aureomarginata

Montana Aureomarginata Hosta

Hosta Montana Aureomarginata

This is a very nice looking hosta.. I really like the creamy yellow cream  edges  , it is very attractive.

The leaves are somewhat cupped at base; often several gentle marginal undulations that twist at the tip

Montana is a large vase shaped mound of gold-margined , green centered foliage. Being bright gold in spring , fading to a chartreuse by midsummer when grown in all day shade, leaf blad arching , oblong -elliptic to ovate-shaped slightly wazy , and faintly corrugated.

This hosta has very pale purple flowers

<<<Buy Montana Hosta>>>


Grows to 27 inches high by 68 inches wide at maturity..

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm




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