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Diane’s Posts

Heuchera Eco-magnififolia

Heuchera Eco-magnififolia


Heuchera Eco-magnififolia, This wonderful American woodland plant was selected for its uniqueness within the native species (H. Americana) and it is a must have for mass plantings in a woodland setting. It is simple and blends naturally with its surroundings.

Eco-magnififolia velvet green leaves have a cream mask and chocolate veins to look perfect with ferns and Oakleaf Tiarella in any shady area.

Heuchera are grown for the foliage mainly , as you have color all season. they do however send up spikes of flowers in summer.

Heuchera like a part sun to shade area, I usually give mine morning sun to afternoon shade, but they have been known to survive in more sun. If you notice your huechera getting burnt leaves then it is getting too much sun.

Eco-magnififolia grows in Zone 4-9 and grows to the height of 12 inches.

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

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