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Diane’s Posts

Pink Clouds Hardy Hibiscus

Pink Clouds Hardy Hibiscus

The Hibiscus ‘Pink Clouds’, Hibiscus moscheutos, have an amazing large, intense, deep pink flower that can be seen from a long distance.

This Hibiscus is a large ‘4-5’ robust plant” that blooms over a very long period of time. Beautiful leaves that resemble Norway Maple Tree.

‘Pink Clouds’ is a very hardy selection that goes well in the back drop of any landscape and is most impressive when planted in mass. It enjoys moist to wet soil conditions and loves the heat of summer.

Plate size blooms and blooms as long as temperatures stay warm.

You will love this Hibiscus , I mean what’s there not to love .

Grows to a mature height of 4′ and spread of 3-4′ Grows fast and like wet conditions in full sun area . Zones 4-9

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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