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Diane’s Posts

Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ Upright Switchgrass

Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ -Upright Switchgrass

A dependable upright habit and beautiful blue green foliage set this Panicum apart from other switchgrasses.

Northwind likes  drought tolerant conditions , but  it can also handle boggy soil conditions occassionally.

Beginning in August, a multitude of narrow, open panicles top the plant. One ’Northwind’ in a garden creates a stunning vertical accent, while several planted as a backdrop form a dynamic structural look.

Upright Switchgrass was introduced by Northwind Perennial Farm of Wisconsin, and it has since become a very popular Panicum cultivar.

Northwind grows 4 feet, 5 feet in flower,  likes sun and wet-dry soil conditions.

Plume flowers  in September

Hardy in Zones 4-9

Origin: North America

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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