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Diane’s Posts

Isolepis cernua Fiber Optic Grass


        Isolepis cernua -Fiber Optic Grass

This is a cool looking grass I will finally carry this year 2010, however it has been around for a few years . It is a annual in our area zone 4/5 .

A full-sized Fiber Optic Grass is the highlight of any garden.

 It has an abundance of bright green, long, narrow stems. Each stem ends with a soft tan yellow tip, making it look as though the plant is surrounded by thousands of tiny sparks.

 Grows in a symmetrical, pendulous tuft.

Always looks great in a container or plant it in a protected area in a spot that allows the stems to spill over.

Evergreen in zones 8-10; it should be treated as an annual elsewhere.

Fiber Optic Grass is a  Warm season grass with bright green foliage

Grows to  1 foot, 1 foot with flower, likes sun-part shade area and  moist-average soil conditions

Hardy in Zones 8-10

Origin: British Isles, Europe, North Africa

I am excited to see this grass perform this season.

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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