Seed Germination Charts

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Seed Germination Charts

  Our  garden seed germination chart, when to start your seeds charts will help you greatly. If you are like me, and need a guideline of WHEN to start your seed Indoors , this will make your growing from seed so much more productive.

Garden Seed Germination Chart contains all the information essential  to growing from seed , light requirements and number of weeks to start your seed indoors before your last frost date in your area zone.

I realize the days to germinate will vary depending on your setup , this is just a guideline for you to go by.

Bottom heat using a heating mat  will speed up your days to germinate greatly so keep that in mind when growing.

Keep a Journal of Your Planting Dates Every Year this will help you greatly on productivity. You may need to adjust your dates , until you find the best date that works in your area.

Our planting guidelines are a great starting point, but as in everything you do , you will need to find the best fit for you.

Detailed information on what is needed to grow  from seed  is located at the link below .

Make sure and Check out My Seed Starting Videos

and Full Details on Starting from Seed


Printable Flower Crop Guide Chart


Printable Vegetable Planting Guide Chart



Plant Approximate Number of Weeks Before Last Frost Date to Start Seeds Indoors
Time Seeds Take
to Germinate (Days)
This Can Really Fluctuate
Requirement For Germination
Abutilon 11-13 14-21 70 Light
Achillea 12 7-14 65-70 Light
Ageratum 8 5 to 10 70 Light
Alyssum 8 5 to 10 70 Light
Alternanthera 10-12 3-7 days 72-76 Light
Angelina 6-8 5-7 days 70-75 Light
Asclepias 6-8 14-21 days 70 Dark
Aster 6 5 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Aquilegia 8-10 21-28 70-76 Light
Astilbe 8-10 15-21 70 Light
Bacopa 8-10 4 days 70 Light
Balsam 6 5 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Begonia 12+ 10 to 15 70 Light
Browallia 12+ 15 to 20 70 Light
Buddleia 8 14-21 65-70 Dark or Light
Calendula 4-6 7-10 60-70 Dark
Campanula 8 10-14 65-70 Light
Cardinal Climber 4-6 10 days 70 Dark or Light-Soak
Carnation 8 8 to 10 70 Light or Dark
Celosia 8 5 to 10 70 Light
Centaurea 6 5 to 10 65 Dark
Cleome 4 14 75 Light
Cobaea 8-10 10-14 70 Dark
Cosmos 4 7 to 10 70 Light or Dark
Coleus 8 5 to 10 72 Light
Columbine 8 20 – 25 70 Light
Coreopsis 8-10 7-14 65-75 Light
Cosmos 4-5 5 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Cuphea 8-10 2-3 weeks 70 Light
Cyperus 8 14 days 72-75 Light
Dahlia 8 7 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Datura 8-12 15-45 70 Light
Delphinium 8 18 days 70 Dark or Light
Dianthus 10 5 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Diascia 8 4-6 65-70 Dark or Light
Dichondra 8 4 days 72-75 Dark or Light
Dolichos(Hyacinth Bean) 6-8 14-21 70-75 Light-Soak
Dusty Miller 8-10 10-15 70 Light
Echinacea 8-12 10-28 70 Light
Eryngium 8-12 7 to 10 60-65 Light
Flowering Kale 6-8 10 70 Light
Foxglove 10-12 14 days 70 Light
Gazania 4-6 10-14 65 Dark
Gaillardia 6-8 20 days 70 Light
Geranium 12-15 10 to 20 70 Light
Gerbera 10-12 10 days 70-75 Light
Gloxinia 12+ 14-21 70-75 Light
Gypsophila 14-21 60 Light
Gomphrena 4-6 7-21 70 Light
Helichrysum 10-12 14 days 65-70 Light
Hibiscus 10-12 14-21 75-80 Dark or Light
Hollyhock 6-8 14-21 60 Dark or Light
Hypoestes 6-8 7 days 60 Light
Impatiens 10 7-14 70 Light
Isolepis 8-10 5-7 65-70 Light
Juncus 8-10 4-6 65-75 Light
Larkspur 6-8 5 to 10 55 Dark
Lavatera 6-8 7-14 70-75 Dark
Linaria 4-6 7-14 65 Dark
Lisianthus 12+ 10 days 70 Light
Lobelia 10-12 14-21 70 Light
Lupine 6-10 14-28 70 Dark or Light
Malva 6-8 14-21 60 Dark
Marigold 6 5 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Melampodium 8 10-14 65-70 Dark
Millet 6-8 3-7 70-75 Light
Mina Firecracker Vine 4-6 15-20 70-75 Dark-Soak
Monarda 6-8 21-28 65 Light
Lunaria-Money Plant 6-8 10-14 70 Dark
Morning Glory 4-6 1-14 70 Dark or Light
Nasturtium 4-6 10-14 70 Dark or Light
Nicotiana 6-8 10 to 15 70 Light
Nierembergia 8-10 15 days 70-75 Light
Osteospermum 6-8 10-14 70-75 Light
Pansy (Viola) 8-10 5 to 10 65 Dark
Passiflora 10-15 30-90(?) 70-85 Light-Soak
Pennisetum 8-10 14-21 70 Light
Pentas 8-10 14-21 65-70 Light
Petunia 10 5 to 10 70 Light
Phlox 8 5 to 10 65 Dark
Platycodon 8 6 to 10 70 Light
Plectranthus 4-6 5-7 70-75 Light
Poppy 6-8 14 days 60-70 Dark
Portulaca 10 7-10 70 Light
Potentilla 8 21-28 65 Light
Pyrethrum 8-10 14-21 70 Dark or Light
Rhodochiton 8-10 14-45 70 Light
Rudbeckia 6-8 14 days 70 Dark or Light
Ruellia 10-12 5 to 7 70-75 Dark or Light
Salpiglossis 8-10 20-30 60-70 Dark
Salvia 8-10 10-15 70-75 Light
Sanvitalia 6-8 7-14 70 Dark
Sedum 8-10 10-14 65-70 Light
Shasta Daisy 8-10 10-12 60-65 Light
Silene 8-10 7-14 65-70 Light
Snapdragon 10 5 to 10 65 Light
Stipa 8-10 4-6 65-75 Light
Stock 10 10 to 15 70 Dark or Light
Statice 6-8 14-21 70 Dark or Light
Strawberry 8-10 10-15 days 70 Dark
Sweet Pea 6-8 14 days 55 Dark
Sunflowers 4-6 7-14 70 Dark or Light
Tecoma 8 3-5 days 70-75 Light
Thunbergia 6-8 7-12 70-80 Dark
Tithonia 6 7-14 70 Dark or Light
Torenia 10-12 7-10 70-75 Light
Tritoma 6-8 14-28 70 Light
Verbena 10 15 to 20 65 Dark
Vinca 12 10 to 15 70 Dark
Viola 6-8 12 days 70 Dark
Zinnia 6 5 to 10 70-80 Dark





Plant Approximate Number of Weeks Before Last Frost Date to Start Seeds Indoors
Time Seeds Take
to Germinate (Days)
This Can Really Fluctuate
Requirement For Germination
Basil 6-8 5-10 70 Dark
Catnip 6-8 7 to 10 70 Dark
Chamomile 6-8 10-15 70 Dark
Chives 6-8 8-14 70 Dark
Chevil 6-8 10-14 60-70 Dark
Coriander 6-8 10-14 70 Dark
Dill 6 7 to 10 70 Dark
Eucalyptus 6-8 15-20 70 Light
Feverfew 6-8 7-14 70 Dark
Fennel 6-8 7-14 70 Dark
Lavender 6-8 10-20 70 Dark
Lemon Balm 6-8 14-21 70 Dark
Mint 6-8 10-15 70 Dark
Oregano 6-8 7-14 70 Dark
Parsley 6-8 14-21(Soak) 70 Dark
Sage 8 6 to 10 70 Dark
Thyme 8-10 8-20 70 Dark





Plant Approximate Number of Weeks Before Last Frost Date to Start Seeds Indoors
Time Seeds Take
to Germinate (Days)
This Can Really Fluctuate
Requirement For Germination
Broccoli 8 5 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Brussel Sprouts 8 10 days 70 Dark
Cabbage 8 5 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Cantelope-Melons 3-4 10 days 70-75 Dark
Cauliflower 8 5 to 10 70 Dark or Light
Celery 8-10 21 days 70 Light
Cucumber 4-5 5 to 10 85 Dark
Eggplant 8 5 to 10 70 Dark
Kohlrabi 8 10 days 70 Dark
Leeks 10-12 14-21 70 Dark or Light
Lettuce 8 5 to 10 70 Light
Muskmelon 3-4 5 to 10 85 Dark
Okra 2-4 7 days 70-75 Dark
Onions 10-12 10 days 70 Dark
Pepper 8 5 to 10 80 Dark or Light
Pumpkins 3-4 5 to 10 70 Light
Squash 3-4 5 to 10 85 Dark
Tomato 6 5 to 10 80 Dark or Light
Watermelon 3-4 5 to 10 85 Dark

Thank you for coming by, I hope our planting guide charts helped you in your growing needs..




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