Calamagrostis Feather Korean Reed Grass is a warm season grass meaning it prefers warmer temperature growing areas. You will not see this grass emerge and start growing until your weather has warmed up in your area.
This grass produces feathery pink plumes in the fall . Appears to be a clumpy grass.
Calamagrostis Feather Korean Reed Grass
Can handle some shade but also tolerates the hot summers of the South. Best planted in spring or fall months..
Photo courtesy of
Make sure this grass gets adequate moisture until established or if planted in full sun .
Korean Reed grass is a slower clumping grass.
Use as mass, group or accent grass.
Does not have any known pest or disease problems.
Grows to 3 ft , 4ft with Plumes.. Plumes in late summer to fall .
Grow in Zone 4-9
This grass is a beauty!
Happy Gardening
Diane Mumm