Growing Flowers From Seed Plus Update on My Cool Propagated Cuttings

More Growing From Seed Plus Update on My Cuttings..

Indoor growing in March 2011 plus fun plants I am growing from cuttings..

Still growing from seed in this video I am growing more flower seeds, the melampodium, celosia, and moss rose, plus sharing my propagated cuttings I am growing indoors.

There is nothing like growing your own plants indoors and created your own plants from cuttings, very fun to try and achieve if they grow and flourish indoors.

Frittonia – here is the plants from cuttings. These actually take a little bit of time to develop into larger plants.

Here is my goldfish plants that I created from cuttings. They are in a 3.5×4 inch pot and are doing well.. They will remain indoors all winter and placed outdoors in the greenhouse next spring. By far one of my favorite new plants I have grown from cuttings.


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