HELICHRYSUM petiolare ‘Limelight’ Licorice Plant

Helichrysum petiolare licorice plant

Spetacular contrast plant with lime-green, aromatic foliage.

Do a little, get a lot. Licorice plants are exceptionally easy to grow.

They don’t need much in the way of fertilizers.

Avoid over-watering. Restrained grower with velvety-soft foliage. Pale chartreuse.

Use in Landscapes and containers,  hanging baskets, beds, borders and window boxes

Plant in sun or partial shade, Grows 8-12 inches tall , and spreads or trails nicely.

Annual except in zones 9 – 10 , Hardy to 25 degrees

My opinion of this plant is it is OUTSTANDING!  Of course I am a huge foliage lover of plants..

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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