Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine is a vigorous fast-growing vine climbing to heights of 10′ or more. Beautiful long blooming purple flowers and purple bean pods form along this vine making it a very inviting sight to see.

This variety of Hyacinth is a great vine for fast coverage in warm climates.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Early this winter to late spring some seeds arrived in the mail, my facebook friend sent me some Purple Hyacinth Bean seeds to try. I was excited as I never have grown this vine before.

I started a few indoors which was a piece of cake very easy to start from seed and they also can be direct sowed. I placed a few in pots in the greenhouse and they grew wonderfully.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

The purple clustered flowers resemble peas and bean blossoms. Bloom time is from mid summer to mid fall.

Buy seeds here on Amazon

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Beautiful Flowering Vine

It is Oct 12, and mine are still blooming away in the garden as you can tell by these photos.

Not only beauty within the flowers and pods.  The foliage is equally beautiful as they are heart shaped with purple veins running through them. A wonderful attribute!

They also are fragrant which attract bees, which then help aid in pollination. Butterflies and birds can get some enjoyment too out of this vine.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Hyacinth care: Plant in a sunny area giving adequate moisture but not soggy. If you are experiencing some drought make sure and give the vine a drink.  This helps produce flowers which then produce larger pods.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Saving Seed

If you want to save the seed, allow the pod to completely dry on the vine. You will know when the bean pod turns purple to brown in color.

Once you pick them off the vine it will not hurt to let dry for say another week to just ensure they are dry. Then shell your pods, test for dryness again, you will know just from the sound of them hitting the container you put them in.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Each bean pod can have anywhere from 3-5 beans.  Which is really wonderful when you are saving and sharing them with others.

I don’t believe I have ever seen a more beautiful unique seed. The seed is black and has a white marking on the edge of the seed itself.

Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Purple Hyacinth Vine is considered an annual but when you save your seed or if you let it self-seed itself you will have them for years to come.

One thing to note is the seed is poisonous if ingested, so take care around pets and children.

Overall I am giving this vine a thumbs up.  Very happy with its overall performance in the garden and the greenhouse too!

P Allen Smith

Buy seeds here on Amazon

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