Surprise Harvest When Harvesting Sweet Potatoes in Containers

How to Grow Sweet Potatoes Plants in Large Tubs or Containers

Growing sweet potato plants in containers works provided you have a deep enough and large enough containers.

I  planted several sweet potato plants in this container, vardamen and beaurgard varieties, both are excellent tasting.

Sweet Potatoes can get pretty big within a season, I have had some sweet potatoes  that I planted in the ground the size of a football, and that is no lie.. I really don’t like them to get that big but if I wait till our first frost this can happen.

So I decided this year to try my luck of planting sweet potatoes in containers, and it turns out it works.

Sweet Potato plants like heat and sun conditions , and I found they like plenty of moisture too.

You can harvest your sweet potatoes usually after the first frost however I wouldn’t be afraid to check them earlier.

Without pulling out the entire plant and digging the whole plant, just go alongside the mounded plant and use a trough and  see if you can find a few .

Now with the sweet potatoes in a container  it may be a little trickier to dig  but still doable.

The plastic container I planted the sweet potatoes in was approximately 3ft around x2ft deep , I wanted to make sure it would be large enough.  This seems to work .

I will make another video when I actually harvest the sweet potatoes, which should be soon.

Surprise Harvest When Harvesting Sweet Potatoes in Containers

Finally harvesting my sweet potatoes in my large tub containers, really was a surprise harvest as I really wasn’t expecting much since I got them in late in the season.

I like the idea of container planting , I placed 3-4 sweet potato plants in a large 2 1/2 h ft x 3 ft w tub , the depth is important for growing nice potatoes.

Don’t forget always have drainage holes in containers or large tubs.

Digging them was pretty easy the soil was moist and ideal at the time.

Sweet Potato loves heat, sun and moisture which is ideal conditions for growing them.

There is several on the market today, but I had a space saving Vardamen sweet potato, beaurgard sweet potato, centennial sweet potato, and georgia jet sweet potato varieties this season.

The plants were rooted when recieved all I needed to do was to pot them in a good mixed soil and watch them grow, they vined quite nicely in the pots in the greenhouse.

Sweet Potato Plants are becoming a more popular vegetable plant.

I like to use raw honey and butter on mine, mighty tasty this way, and raw honey is very good for you , as is the sweet potatoes.

Harvesting of sweet potatoes can be done usually after the first real frost, which kills the vine but leaves the potatoes in good shape for harvest. You can also harvest a little sooner if you can’t wait to try them . Just dig around where you planted very carefully , you find a few , then mound the soil back up around the potato.

Sweet Potato Plants are a beautiful vine in your garden, they also produce a beautiful flower, so watch for it.

Happy Harvest!

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