How to Grow Vinca (Periwinkle) from Seed

How to Grow Vinca (Periwinkle)  from Seed

Growing vinca from seed can be a challenge, until recently I have had some issues growing, now have discovered that using a fungicide drench when planting can increase your success.

I also will be using a more porous soil mix and watering them from the bottom instead of top watering to keep down the diseases problems.

<<<Buy Vinca Seeds In a Large Selections of Colors>>>


It is funny how growing can change year to year.. Years ago I never had many growing issues with vinca. So since they have become fussy I will do whatever it takes to figure it out.. After some research here is what they need.

good air circulation
porous soil
water from the bottom
warm growing temps
apply a fungicide drench upon planting seed and as needed

Next year I hope to figure these fussy plants out and I am getting there.. I love vinca for their long lasting blooms and they love the heat. Much less expensive to start a few from seed but if I have many causalities well then again it may not be.

Until next year!

Transplanting Flower Seedlings Indoors

One of my most favorite things to do within growing is transplanting . Transplanting new life into bigger pots or cells to help the roots grow and the plant flourish.

<<<Must have items you need to grow from seed>>>


In this video I am transplanting vinca that I like to use in my baskets in the greenhouse. They can be slow to grow and take heat and warm nights to really take off, so I keep them indoors until my days and nights get warmer in the spring.

If you like a challenge in growing, Vinca is one seed you want to try and master. Plus these flowers bloom all summer and love heat and sun.


Have a great growing season,




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