Ipomoea Mina Exotic Love Vine

Ipomoea lobata Mina Exotic Love Vine

Also called: Spanish Flag or Firecracker Vine

This is a stunning, vigorous and easy to grow climber for a sunny or part sunny position.

Each 6″ spike starts out crimson and gradually changes to yellow then finally to white-1-1/2″ blooms start out rich red, maturing to orange, then yellow, to white …all colors on the same plant at the same time!

Tender perennial grown as a annual.

Perfect for a fence, trellis even adaptable to growing in containers!

These colors are definitely beautiful. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds

Grows 8-10 ft vines. Plant in  part sun to part shade  area, Blooms late summer – early fall.

I find this vine very interesting , and love it’s attributes.

More info here

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

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