ACALYPHA Trailing Chenille Plant Strawberry Firetails

Acalypha Trailing Chenille Plant, Strawberry Firetails

  • Grow indoors or out
  • Trim as needed
  • Prefers full sun or morning sun
  • Correct Name: Acalypha pendula

Very Unique Bright red, fuzzy, dangling, 2-4″ catkins adorn this unique trailer.

Full sun, grows to 6-10″ in container, trailing in habit, minimum temperature 60°, ever bloomer.

They prefer warm temperatures and high light, as they are rapid growers.

Can be used as a houseplant.  Good for a hanging basket!

Acalyphas love to be pruned and respond well to hard pruning.

Zone 10 and higher

This is a really cool plant , and I have grown in before

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

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