Pentas have dark green, lance-shaped, somewhat furry and deeply veined leaves provide a lush backdrop for prolific clusters of never-ending, five-petaled flowers. These may be red, white, lavender, purple, or shades of pink. Some are two-toned.
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Growing in the Greenhouse
All are extremely attractive to butterflies, and the red and dark pink varieties delight hummingbirds.
Depending on the variety, the habit of growth may be upright to about 3′, or low and mounding. Full sized pentas are often sprawling, as tall stems will topple over. The flowers are held in terminal clusters and self-deadhead. In warm weather the plant grows fast and stays in bloom constantly.
Where winters are not too severe, pentas are perennial. They may always be treated as an annual and replanted after danger of frost for long-lasting summer color.
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Africa seems to be the original home of pentas.
Likes well worked, moderately fertile soil that retains moisture well.
Light: Sun to shade. Blooms better and is more robust in good sun, but will still bloom in shade and look good!
Moisture: Moist to average.
Hardiness: USDA zones 8-11. May be grown as a greenhouse plant or used as an annual in warm weather.
Propagation:ย Cuttings in spring and summer.
Red Lace Graffiti , grown from seed
Butterfly Pentas grown from plug
Butterfly Red Penta
Butterfly Pink Penta
White Penta
Diane’s Testimonial: Love Penta’s .ย If you are looking to attract butterflies and hummingbirds . Penta’s will one plant you may want to try .ย They look great in mass plantings , ground or pots..
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