Winter Interest Using Ornamental Grasses

Miscanthus sinensis Gracillimus Maiden Grass

Oh the winter months are here and I try and find comfort and beauty wherever I can , because not only are our winters in Iowa long, they can be really frustrating when the transition comes from late Winter to early Spring.

As I walk outside on a cold blustery day after a fresh snow or fresh frosted day which  fills my surroundings , I am always trying to find something  positive  to see and or hear.

One thing I can not overlook or ignore is the ornamental grasses that I leave stand throughout the winter months.

Panicum virgatum Shenandoah Grass

Depending on your area and how you want your ornamental grass to show in the winter months is really a matter of preference I believe. I see many cut them down in the fall, and have talked with many others that love to leave them for winter interest.

With our snow, frost, or ice weather  in the winter time, each can bring on it’s very own beauty.

A beauty I have come to love, not so much years ago however,  as I dreaded the winter, but now as I grow older I really appreciate the changing of the seasons.

Besides winter interest of the ornamental grasses,  they also can bring shelter to birds and other animals roaming in your area.  Plus possibly a food source too!

Schizachyrium scoparium ‘The Blues’ Grass

Zebra Grass- Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus

Miscanthus Zebra Grass

The photos were taken  just after a few nights of frost. You can see that every strand of grass and every plume gets covered making for a wonderful showing outdoors .

One thing I really loved and noticed  , was on a sunny day, the snow and frost on the grasses just glistens and shines.

Those of you that live in long  snowy winter’s.   Look closely at the photos ,  I hope you can see winter’s beauty, and can appreciate what we have around us that does get taken for granted.

This article is also featured in which I am fully honored to be a part of , a big  Thank You to Anna Looper who writes  for You can find her in many places but here is her Website

I hope this may have inspired you to add ornamental grasses to your gardens. Grasses being pretty carefree once established makes for a must have plant.

Happy Gardening,

Diane Mumm

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