Aloe haworthioides Miniature Aloe

Aloe haworthioides Miniature Aloe is very easy and slow growing , but produces offsets from time to time.

When I look for succulents  I look for unique patterns of textures and unusual forms of succulents. This one falls into those attributes.

Aloe haworthioides Miniature Aloe

Aloe haworthioides  Miniature Aloe  

Great as a  houseplant as it is not hardy in my area, does very well as a houseplant near a window or good  lighting.

I do water every week but let it completely dry out between watering’s as it does not like to be over watered.

Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping, looks great in containers or combination plantings.

Aloe haworthioides Miniature Aloe

Origin is in Madagascar, sub tropical in nature and is considered rare.

It bears terminal racemes up to 12 inches (30 cm) long, of tubular orange flowers with projecting stamens.

I have yet to see them flower, but will produce a red flower, which sounds very beautiful among the speckled texture .

Grows to just 6 inches tall, and is hardy in zones 10-11.

Aloe are not fast growing and will rarely need repotting.  You can repot in spring if necessary. Use a quick draining potting mix  with  1/3 sand or pebble rock.

Here is a similar species. 

I put together this video  when planting the mini aloe in a combination bowl setting.

Happy Gardening

Diane Mumm

3 thoughts on “Aloe haworthioides Miniature Aloe”

  1. Hi Kathryn, thanks for stopping by, I do love this little aloe , very easy to care for, and gives me babies from time to time..:)

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