THUNBERGIA battiscombei ‘Blue Glory’

 THUNBERGIA battiscombei ‘Blue Glory

Small spreading bush, not as viney as some thunbergia, would also work well in containers or baskets.

Continuous, 2″, blue flowers (best show in spring) on trailing, spreading vine for containers or filler.

Needs full sun partial shade depending on heat tolerance area, ample moisture, and feed.

This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds

Cold Hardy 20 degrees. Hardy in zone 9-11

This is a new thunbergia I will try out this season. I love thunbergia for their bloom time and color..

Happy Gardening


Diane Mumm

4 thoughts on “THUNBERGIA battiscombei ‘Blue Glory’”

  1. How many days do you think this one would need to bloom. I live in the short season zone. I suppose I could start them in containers in greenhouse early and the set out.

  2. Neil , I start my thunbergia’s in Jan or Feb for bloom time in May to June, but they will be in a greenhouse.. I start them inside and put out ( in the greenhouse) in March here .. sometime in May they will be very nice and big , provided our weather cooperates..:)


  3. Hi Diane

    Love the videos have learned a lot but having trouble with this black eyed Susan vine and my cardinal vine both are reaching great heights of 10 to fifteen feet but no blooms yet and it’s almost sept. I started them at the same time as my hyacinth beans and my morning glories which have both flowered already and setting seed. I didn’t know that they would fall sofar behind my other vines…..I live in RI….

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